Fourth Partner Energy Blogs

Why is Karnataka India’s Leader in Renewable Energy Generation...

Karnataka stands among the country's top five states in Power Generation...

India’s EV Charging Infrastructure Ecosystem...

India is accelerating its transition towards electric vehicles (EVs)...

It is Time for India’s Solar Industry to Start Making Significant Strides Towards Solar Waste Management...

In recent years, India has made remarkable strides ...

What are Bifacial Solar Panels and How Can They be Utilised ...

Renewable Energy solutions are fast finding favour across the globel...

All You Need to Know About I-RECs (International Renewable Energy Certificates) ...

The world is shifting towards a greener future, and businesses are playing ...

Fourth Partner Energy Bets Big On Uttar Pradesh Again - to Commission ...

Fourth Partner’s first Solar Park was set up in Uttar Pradesh in 2021 at Saharanpur...

Will 2024 be a Pivotal Year for Wind Energy Generation In India? ...

As we embark on the journey into 2024, the winds of change are blowing ...

Net Metering in a Solar Energy System & all You Need to Know About ...

It is a simple billing arrangement that allows consumers of clean energy to connect their ...

All You Need to Know About Wind Solar Hybrid Systems and How They Can Boost Energy Transition ...

The combination of two renewable energy sources viz. wind turbines and solar panels to...

Battery Energy Storage Systems: The Key to a Stable, Round-The-Clock, Renewable Energy Powered Future...

Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) is an advanced tech solution that enables storage of power...

What Financing Model of On-Site Solar Should my Business Opt for...

What Financing Model of On-Site Solar Should my Business Opt for –The Capex Vs Opex Debate...

All You Need to Know About Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs)...

Climate Change is arguably the most pressing challenge the planet ...

Artificial Intelligence In The Renewable Energy Market...

The world is moving towards a sustainable future...

India’s Renewable Energy Landscape For FY24...

India is a leader in renewable energy, with installed capacity...

Getting Started with Green Hydrogen! ...

The objective of this article is to pique your curiosity around Green Hydrogen and understand ...

How Will ISTS (Inter State Transmission System) Pave the Way for India’s ...

ISTS or an Inter State Transmission System refers to the transport of electricity...

Solar Waste Management – The Need For A Policy On Recycling Of Pv Material...

Solar Energy plays a critical role in India’s quest towards clean energy transition...

Energy-as-a-Service: Paving the way for Round-the-Clock Renewable ...

The world we live in is dynamic – what works today, becomes redundant tomorrow. One key example here is energy demand and consumption...

India’s Top 10 Solar Energy Companies (2021)...

Fourth Partner Energy Is India’s Best Solar Energy Company for Onsite & Offsite Projects; Ranks #1 In Corporate PPAs across...

Fast Fashion To Sustainable Fashion - The Case For Renewables...

‘Roti, Kapda aur Makaan’ are often termed as the basic necessities of life - for readers who are not familiar with this Hindi saying...

Who Created the Climate Crisis and Who Should Fix It? ...

As the COP26 is over, many people have given their two cents on the summit leaving two ends of the ...

COP26 – Solar Energy’s Pivotal Role ...

This short write-up stems from my attempt at scouring through COP26 commentary around the potential of solar energy ...

The conversation around COP26 ...

The good news is Climate Change, Sustainability, ESG and the Environment are no longer ...

The Significance of Remote Monitoring of ...

Remote monitoring of solar power plants is critical to realize returns on the investments...

Powering India’s Data Center Boom Through...

Delhi, Mumbai, Bengaluru and Chennai – what do these cities have in ...

Redefining the Value Proposition of Solar ...

As a marketeer, exploring new platforms for social and digital media communication, especially ...

Solar Energy – Top 5 Myths versus Facts

India is abundantly blessed with solar radiation, getting as much as 300 days of sunshine annually...

India’s Solar Manufacturing versus Generation Tussle; Why one cannot be compromised ...

A few weeks ago, Fourth Partner Energy’s Co-Founder, Vivek Subramanian was invited by the Madras Management Association to talk about Sunlight: The new Oil ...

From Rank 4 in 2016 to India's #1 Solar Developer in 2020

Distributed Solar a.k.a rooftop solar started in India about a decade ago with the initial impetus given by government schemes like the Nehru Solar Mission ...

Energy Access: Fixing the inequality in opportunity

India is on the anvil of achieving its audacious goal of becoming a $5 trillion economy by 2024. To achieve its goal, India will need to see monumental changes in its energy consumption pattern to ensure ...

Is the Indonesian C&I (Commercial and Industrial) market ripe for clean energy transition?

Indonesia is one of the emerging market economies of South East Asia. It is the seventh largest in the world in terms of GDP (PPP) and fifteenth largest economy in terms of nominal GDP...

India’s Distributed Solar Energy Story – A look at the past, present and future.

India receives nearly 4000 hours of sunshine every year, across 365 days – which is precisely why we have witnessed exponential growth in...

The debate between net-metering and gross metering for Rooftop Solar

India’s cumulative installed rooftop solar capacity is currently around 6 GW. The target of the government is 40 GW by 2022. Over 70% of rooftop solar is...

"PV Module Pricing – Predicting the levels to watch out for in FY22"

The remarkable growth of PV module technology and the associated decrease in module prices over...

The Best Practices & Considerations in Project Procurement and Supply Chain...

To understand Project Procurement, it is important for us togo about defining a project. It is a task undertaken that...

World Environment Day 2019 Walking-the-Talk on curbing Air Pollution in India

The time is now to recognise pollution as a public health emergency across India and join the world in trying to...

How Storage Can Enhance Your Solar Rooftop Project?

With a mature solar industry in India – the financial and carbon footprint benefits of a solar rooftop are obvious and widely known. However, the fact that ...

Aatmanirbhar Bharat & Energy independence through Group Captive,..

The Prime Minister’s clarion call to go ‘vocal for local’ and work towards an ‘Aatmanirbhar Bharat’ seems to have definitely struck a chord with numerous businesses and consumers...
